Block of Ice to Beef Bourguignon Time Bandits

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Fourth dimension Bandits Foolishness and Folly

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Foolishness and Folly

DIANE: The Morrisons accept got ane that can exercise that in viii seconds. Block of ice to beef bourguignon in 8 seconds. Lucky things.

There are a lot of ripe idiots running around in this moving picture, but none are riper than Kevin's parents, whose goal in life seems to be to collect newer and increasingly elaborate kitchen appliances. Attain for the stars, y'all two.

GAME Testify HOST: Oh, dear me, Beryl. Now, all I want to what famous picture show star begins with "C"? Do you lot understand the question, my darling?

Time Bandits points the finger at television too. Have a await at the stupidest game evidence we've ever seen, for example. Does this thing even take rules?

NAPOLEON: Little things hitting each other. THAT'S WHAT I LIKE!

This human being brought Europe to its knees, ruled over an empire as powerful as whatever on earth...and all he wants is a Dial and Judy show. Sometimes powerful men can be quite stupid.

RANDALL: Do you want to be leader of this gang?

STRUTTER: No, we agreed. No leader!

RANDALL: Right. So close up and do as I say.

The dwarves never quite become their act together, and Randall sort of becomes Moe to the rest of the Three Stooges. He'due south the guy who thinks he's the smart one and merely assumes they'll all autumn in line, which kind of makes him the biggest idiot of the agglomeration.

ROBIN HOOD: And you're a robber, too. How long have yous been a robber?

STRUTTER: Four foot one.

ROBIN HOOD: Skilful lord! Jolly practiced! Four pes one? Well, thursday-thursday-th-that is a long time, isn't it?

Robin Hood is intended as a poke at British royalty, the ones who go out and shake the easily of coal miners and factory workers and ask dithering questions that no normal person would inquire. It'due south awkward and phony, and anyone who participates in it would accept to be some kind of moron…

ROBIN HOOD: Jolly proficient. What's your proper name?

KEVIN: Uh, Ke—

ROBIN HOOD: Ke. What a jolly dainty name.

Yep, he's non besides bright, this ane. Again, like Randall, you lot get the sense that the guy in accuse is a pretty dim seedling himself.

EVIL: Now we must bait the claw, encounter if they seize with teeth...and pull them in. Stand by for heed control.

Oh, they're gonna bite. Greed, it seems, is ane of the hallmarks of being a fool in this flick. Can't say we disagree…

VINCENT: You've ruined everything! Pansy! Pansy, I tin explain! It'south only the thing on my olfactory organ and the hairpiece! Everything else is fine!

With Vincent on the Titanic, in that location'southward a very straightforward question: is Vincent an idiot because he lies to the woman he loves, or is he an idiot simply for beingness in love? Frankly, it could be both.

RANDALL: I've got something to say to you, Kevin.

KEVIN: Go abroad.

RANDALL: It's almost the map.

KEVIN: The map? I don't understand you, Randall. Yous've got something actually brilliant like that, and you're only wasting it.

RANDALL: I wouldn't call this exactly "wasting" it.

Really, Randall, you are so wasting it. How about heading into the futurity? Or back to see the Constitution being framed? Champagne and caviar are pretty modest potatoes compared to that.

EVIL: Robert, we must programme a new world together. This time, we'll beginning information technology properly. Tell me about computers.

ROBERT: Uh, a figurer is an automated electronic apparatus for making calculations or controlling operations that are expressible in numerical or logical terms...

Not even Evil is immune from the skewering Time Bandits gives to most of its characters. He has the aforementioned habit to technology that Kevin's parents do...only this time with limitless power on his side.

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