The Beauty of Parquet Floor

I have non lived in an era when parquetry was famous and perhaps this is the explanation why I was impressed by the houses where parquet was part of the beauty of the house. Parquet may accept a strong effect on the interior of a house as it will touch on the whole ambiance.

Parquet floor katie lydon1 View in gallery

This type of technique is very quondam every bit it dates back to the 17th century when "parquet de menuiserie" tiles were used to replace marble flooring at Versailles. Those who appreciate this elegant style which was a dominant at the palace of Versailles volition admire the multitude of examples offered bellow.

Parquet floor billet collins View in gallery
Parquet floor douglas truesdale View in gallery
Parquet floor kathleen hay designs View in gallery
Parquet floor katie lydon View in gallery
Parquet floor katie lydon2 View in gallery

All these examples bear witness you the various effects that these forest parquets have on different types of interiors.You may notice that the light dash of parquet may brighten that interior so that the room becomes more than lighted. If y'all intend to choose a certain nuance of parquet for your room you may also be able to take into account the contrast that you can create. A dark nuance of parquet can contrast some white walls or a light nuance of parquet can dissimilarity some nighttime colored walls.

Parquet floor leonard View in gallery
Parquet floor parlor design View in gallery
Parquet floor parlor design1 View in gallery
Parquet floor tarasoff interiors View in gallery

The parquet floors may feature different nuances and patters so that you can besides create a colored room which tin become dynamic and total of life.{found on decorati}


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